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Office for Earth Affairs, R.O. Huayang-Phonoa



Introduction of the R.O. Huayang-Phonoa

介紹 Introduction 紹介


Huayang-Phonoa is a city-state located on the subtropical islands of Floria Island, Blossomfall Islet, and other islands. The current official languages are Chinese and English. Due to the influence of the indigenous Huayang people, Phonoan language is also in use. Geographically, it is situated south of the Sprintermoon Isles, where the Kingdom of Moonbay is located, and is near the Republic of Aisocia. Historically, Huayang-Phonoa has experienced several regime changes. This map does not emphasize the current regime but instead uses only "Huayang-Phonoa".


旗 Flags 旗


護照 Passport 旅券


The Republic of Huayang-Phonoa passport is a legal travel document and identification issued by Phonoa. According to relevant treaties of the REACKTS and agreements signed between Phonoa and other countries, the Phonoan passport is recognized by all REACKTS members. However, all REACKTS members, including Phonoa, do not maintain foreign affairs relations with Earth. Therefore, on Earth, related documents can only be used for Phonoan or relevant affairs. Phonoa is not a sovereign state of Earth, and Earth inhabitants handling Phonoan-related matters must possess the relevant Phonoan certification, and vice versa.
